All about photography, cameras, life and anything in between.

What is photography?

The fundamental physical principle of photography is that light falling briefly on the grains of certain insoluble silver salts produces small, invisible changes in the grains. When placed in certain solutions known as developers, the affected grains are converted into a black metallic silver. In color photography, further interactions take place with color-forming agents.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Adrienne Harris. Trick Photography and Special Effects. Here you'll find a collection of the best trick photography and special effects photos online collected by Jim.

Digital Landscape Photography - Photography Workshops

If you're thinking about taking digital photography classes to help you become a better photographer, but aren't sure where to begin, here are the most common ways to take an affordable photography class.

Find perfect destination where one can learn about photography. It is a full-day workshop that can be attended by four to five people. Various subjects are covered such as use of white balance, controlling exposure, camera controls, use of aperture and shutter speeds etc.

eBook Digital Photography Classes

Setting White Balance: For nature photography set WB to daylight.

With digital photography now being pursued in many specialty spheres, it is even possible to attend specialized workshops on, for instance, digital landscape photography in black and white.

One of the best ideas would then be to go on a field workshop. Many expert and experienced digital landscape photographers offer such field tutorial trips where you will be able to learn the ropes right from the horse's mouth. These digital landscape photography workshops are popular. To be sure that you can be accommodated, you have to plan ahead and make your booking in good time.

There are also digital photography classes offered at Universities but you generally need to be an enrolled student to get into one. And there are photo workshops that take you to some wonderful spot for 5-7 days, and teach you how to shoot a specific type of photography (ie. landscape photography). But these are generally very expensive as you have to pay for travel, hotel, and meals. These types of photography workshops should be done only if you already know a lot about photography and/or earn an income from photography.

The surreal vistas and landscapes of Tuscany are also a very wonderful and desirable experience you will not want to miss. Not only is it the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance, but it also has a rich heritage of artistry and architecture. There are many museums scattered throughout the region. The most famous of these museums is the Uffizi Museum in Florence, and this is definitely one destination that you will not want to miss.

The best time to shoot landscape pictures is during the first 2 hours and last 2 hours of daylight.

Online photography classes are one of the quickest and easiest ways to get started. Unlike real world (as opposed to the internet world) photography classes, you don't need to wait for the class to begin, worry if there will be room, or if it meets your schedule. Instead, with online classes you can start right away and set your own pace and schedule. Another great benefit of online classes is that you usually get to participate in forums and online galleries with other students where you can receive constructive critiques on your photographs. And there is usually an instructor who you can email with and get guidance from (the best online courses will offer this). There are some great online courses out there for between $100-$200 that include everything.

The first step in digital landscape photography is to ensure that you have a good theoretical grip on the technology and functions of the camera you will be using. For that purpose you should take time - before packing your tent and setting of into the countryside! - to study all you can about your camera's specifications, as well as visiting a couple of the many excellent online guides and tutorials on digital photography.


  1. I don't have lots of knowledge about photography but my best friend is good in it :)

  2. OMG!!!!! such helpful post for photographers x

  3. I attended a photography class before and it's worth it. I also have a book and follow blogs for inspiration

  4. This would be a nice class since it combines photography and digital e-publishing.

  5. I always appreciate a good photography though I am not really knowledgeable in that area. I just think it's amazing if you can actually make something out of nothing (on photos)

  6. These are great photography tips. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Its a good information about how to have a good photograph.

  8. Wonderful tips! I can always use some!

  9. Thanks for these tips..I really need these kinds of information.


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