All about photography, cameras, life and anything in between.

What is photography?

The fundamental physical principle of photography is that light falling briefly on the grains of certain insoluble silver salts produces small, invisible changes in the grains. When placed in certain solutions known as developers, the affected grains are converted into a black metallic silver. In color photography, further interactions take place with color-forming agents.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Digital Photography Tricks - Make The Most Of Your Digital SLR! Paul Summers #MePhotographyYou

Few would argue that more people than ever can take pictures of real quality, as digital photography and the equipment available opens up opportunities for the keen amateur. Modern digital SLR cameras are boasting more and more megapixels and features, which can almost make photography seem too easy. However, there is functionality and easy to grasp techniques that many budding photographers never take advantage of. This article aims to address a few of the digital photography tricks and tools available.

Camera shake is the surest way to ruin a photograph, and can still occur even with your camera secured to a tripod. For example, you still have to press the shutter, and this causes some movement. This will ultimately affect the sharpness of your final image. There are two basic ways to avoid this. The first is to use a remote control shutter release button, or the less expensive cable release alternative - both will do the job well. Otherwise, you can set your camera's self timer option. All that is required is that you set up the shot and settings, then stand back while the camera carries out the shutter press for you.

No matter how near perfect your taken image is, many photographers will carry out at least some post shoot manipulation in the digital darkroom. To give you the opportunity of making the most of this facility, it is always a good idea to shoot your original image in RAW rather than JPEG format. JPEG images contain 256 brightness levels in each of the three colour channels (red, green and blue). However, RAW files contain up to 16,384 levels, which means you can have much more influence when amending your image, for instance making significant changes to highlights or shadows.

One of the digital photography tricks worth using is your SLR's Live View mode. Here you can set up your photo on the LCD monitor, rather than the viewfinder. One advantage to using this is the number of viewpoints you can use, for example, holding the camera above a crowd of people, and still being able to get an idea of what the final image will look like. Many people believe that it is easier to see the final composition by using Live View as opposed to the viewfinder.
Once upon a time, ISO was determined by the film you used. That is to say that you would be forced to stay with, for example, ISO 200 for all 36 shots if that was the film in the camera.

However, with digital photography, you can adjust ISO for every picture you take, if necessary. Generally, an ISO setting of 640 or above can start to show some noise in your image. You need to consider the trade off between upping the ISO to allow shots in dark conditions, and accepting some noise, or missing the image altogether. In most cases, the auto ISO setting would work sufficiently.

These are just a few of the digital photography tricks that you can use, to help unravel the mysteries of your SLR.

Source: Paul Summers

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Photography Is the Interesting Profession for the Creative Photographer #MePhotographyYou

Photography is the popular profession from the eighteenth century when the first camera is practically using as to capture something, and still today it will be reached to the high with the lots of innovation in the cameras and the guidance of the professional photographer in all over the world, and it will be part of the our life especially in the any occasions where we are celebrating together.

The increasing popularity of the various photography all over the world and the earning is inspired the many young creative people to make it a full time career in this wonderful profession and many experts of the field share the best knowledge to the young and beginner artist for the successful career in the field for the capture or documented the people lovely moments to documents for the entire life.

Nowadays it would be divided area of the profession, like the photographer experts to capture the wildlife it would be known as the wildlife photographer. It is the adventure in a field, while as the many areas of the photography direct related to the human life, like the wedding occasion photography this ceremony documentation is beautifully made by the professional wedding photographer. The Portrait Photography Virginia is the special type of the photography to captures the live moments or expression of the love, emotions or other internal feeling documentation.

Moreover the commercial photography is the part of the promotion in the business development, the boudoir and the glamour photography is the new field of the this art and it will be also choosing by the young artist for the capturing the bold expression in the photos, however in this field Photographer is the more experience and have the sense of the boudoir photos their images says the story of the boldness not the vulgar expression and the experts of this field known as the Boudoir or Glamour Photographer Virginia.

Generally, photography is divided in the outdoor and the indoor photography both professions have differences, the indoor photographer is the experts in the capturing the best shoots in the studio where all things are arranged in the beautifully and the artist is the habituated with the studio and various features of are involved during the photo shooting schedule likes the lighting, pose, subjects etc. so he can capture the best Photography in the very less time, more photos and this photography is customarily in the indoor modelling photo, product photography and Boudoir Photography.

The outdoor photography is also much popular for the outdoor shooting specially the weddings, outdoor modelling and the many other purposes, whatever the professional in this field need to works. And not the indoor photographer, he must need the ability, the condition or the surrounding atmosphere of the subject plays the important role in the photography so it would be the sense of capturing the best in the uneven lighting or the various weather.

Source: Christabel Menard @Elliephoto

Saturday, February 7, 2015

There is more to the shots than what a camera sees, it is actually how beautiful the model and scenario is to the photographer, and how beautifully they can capture what they see. Make people think that taking nice portrait shots makes them a professional photographer. What they do not realize is they make some mistakes, which can be avoided.

Here are some in detail:

Trying to be a One Man Show

Beauty shots are not a one man's show, and this is what amateur photographers do not realize. A photographer is not a photographer without a team. Many amateurs do not see the importance of their crew when they start their profession. Without models you have no one to shoot, and in order to get them, you need your friend, the agent to contact them.

How about setting the entire shoot? Not many people are artistic and experts at what they do. What about changing the scenes for different shots? The hair and makeup of the models? Being successful is a team effort and there is definitely no "I" in team.

Using the wrong lens

When someone does a beauty shoot, their entire purpose is to make the model stand out and look absolutely stunning, regardless of the backdrop used. Amateur photographers try to capture the surroundings as well and that too by using the wrong lenses. The idle lens used of a beauty shot is 70mm-100mm. For example, a professional knows that using any focus less than 70mm, will distort the facial length and the features will not be as prominent as needed.

Using Direct & Diffused Lights Incorrectly

Playing with lights is not easy; a professional knows that but not an amateur. Professionals play with direct and diffused lights. The difference between the two is the direct light creates a dark and hard edged shadow effect whereas diffused lights are used to get some light on to the model or subject. Newbies typically are unaware which lights they need to use at which time. This can change the entire look of the picture.

Not keeping the Proper Eye Level

Professional beauty photographers know that if they take a shot below the level of their model's eye level, the neck of the model will look a tad bit shorter. This is why when a model is sitting, a pro is on their knee or crouching down to make sure that the length of the neck is perfect. Amateur photographers make this common mistake often; they will just take the picture from the front without putting much thought into it.

Relying on Photoshop too much

Amateurs think Photoshop is a magical tool; it is, but it does not always help. A professional does not need to waste time on Photoshop since they make sure to take the perfect shots. A professional refers back to the monitor, finds the mistake, if any, and corrects it on the spot without wasting a single moment.

Source: Steve

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