All about photography, cameras, life and anything in between.

What is photography?

The fundamental physical principle of photography is that light falling briefly on the grains of certain insoluble silver salts produces small, invisible changes in the grains. When placed in certain solutions known as developers, the affected grains are converted into a black metallic silver. In color photography, further interactions take place with color-forming agents.

Sunday, June 19, 2016


  1. Those are some well taken photographs! You don't need the best camera in the market, just an eye for picture composition and the right lighting should do the trick!

  2. Quite nice! My husband is a photographer too so I know how photographers feel passionate about their work :) lovely photographs!

  3. Those are great shots! Just keep on practicing more and you'll definitely be the best at it :)

  4. You should invest in a dslr and a good lens. Depends on what subject you want to shoot. I only have a nikon 3200 with kit lens and 55-400mm lens

  5. Love how these photos made me so at peace. I'm not sure why! Love it :D

  6. I have a love affair with photography but most of the time I use it for my food shots! I used to dream of being a good photographer but my passion turned into cooking and baking and eventually taking photos of the food I cook! Those are beautiful shots by the way!

  7. I like taking photographs, but I do not really like to spend money on the camera. I usually work with my trusty Samsung point and shoot or my Starmobile cellphone camera, and everything usually turns out fine for my standards.

  8. What lens and camera are you using with those pictures? I'd like to also try landscape photography aside from food and portraits.

  9. Gorgeous photographs. You have an eye to capture beautiful moments. A decent cam is enuf. The best cam in market isn't really necessary!!

  10. I love your captures. They are just so vibrant and full of life.

  11. This is a great. The pictures are so amazing. Thanks for sharing

  12. They all look pretty, but there's always room for improvement. Try using the rule of thirds ^_^

  13. You already have the best cam, well I am not a professional photographer, but I can see all of the photos here are all great!

  14. Your photos are well structured and styled! I'm a firm believer that you don't need the best camera to take the best shots.

  15. Are you sure you're not a photographer? Those pictures are beautiful. I like the way you take pictures of the flowers as well.

  16. Not bad for an amateur. You got good shots though. Besides, I certainly agree with Lana... There's always a room for improvement. Also, don't worry, there are a lot of amateurs when it comes to getting good shots and what's important is that you are working hard on it.

  17. Such a great perspective. The one with the water made me do a double take. Cool viewpoint for sure!

  18. According to me, if you truly appreciate the situation and if your subject is beautiful, photo would be great! Some techniques can be applied but not necessarily better cam takes better pics.

  19. These are great shots! I liked all of them, but especially the photos with plants.

  20. Beautiful captures, I especially love the eye shot!

  21. My daughter is a photography enthusiast and I am supporting her all the way.

  22. I love your low down shot of the leaves. brilliant photos.

  23. You did an amazing job with your photographs. I LOVED the photos of your girls.

  24. Photography is to bring out the meaning, feelings and colours of that captured moment. My favourite photo of yours is second last one with looming black clouds... over the high rise building.

  25. Great snaps! Please share the type of lens used and method so we can pick up tips and tricks too for better photography even for the most amateur snappers :)


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