All about photography, cameras, life and anything in between.

What is photography?

The fundamental physical principle of photography is that light falling briefly on the grains of certain insoluble silver salts produces small, invisible changes in the grains. When placed in certain solutions known as developers, the affected grains are converted into a black metallic silver. In color photography, further interactions take place with color-forming agents.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

How to Capture Cinematic Motion #MePhotographyYou

Whether that be pans, tilts, tracking, zoom, or the use of a gimbal — movement within your scene creates a fluid sense of purpose. A unique, fun way to add spice to your filmmaking.


Panning simply means moving your camera from left to right. This allows a frame to show a feeling of movement or speed. Panning is as fast and as furious as you can get with this artistic medium. Secondly, tilts are like pans, but up and down. They are a great way to bring your subject into the scene. Start at the sky or on the top of a building, and tilt down to your subject as they walk out into the world. The possibilities are truly endless.


Subject tracking means keeping the subject in frame while simultaneously moving the camera. Follow your subject through an alleyway or a hallway as they walk. Record this type of shot in slow motion for an added dramatic effect! Try this by following your subject’s feet as they walk down a trail. Follow your friend at eye level as they admire the scenery around them. Follow shots or tracking shots can add a ton of value to your video.


Zooms come in a variety pack; fast for funny, slow for dramatic. Have you ever seen “The Office”? They use tons of hilarious fast zooms to create a good chuckle. A slow zoom can be hard to achieve with a phone, but with practice comes clean and professionally graded vibes. The slow zoom is a great way to show off landscapes or subjects that are far away by slowly bringing them into focus. Great to use if you additionally wish to illustrate a scene in which the subject is contemplating their next move, or deep in thought.


Gimbals are the only way to get that buttery smooth video. They adjust for movement which means you can capture motion with ease, even if you are chasing someone. Different gimbals offer different levels of features but all of them make your shots are smoother.

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