All about photography, cameras, life and anything in between.

What is photography?

The fundamental physical principle of photography is that light falling briefly on the grains of certain insoluble silver salts produces small, invisible changes in the grains. When placed in certain solutions known as developers, the affected grains are converted into a black metallic silver. In color photography, further interactions take place with color-forming agents.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

krpano Panorama Viewer

The krpano Viewer is a small and very flexible high-performance viewer for all kind of panoramic images and interactive virtual tours. The viewer is available as Flash and HTML5 application. The viewer is designed for the usage inside the Browser on Desktop (Windows, Mac, Linux) and on Mobiles/Tablets (iPhone, iPad, Android, ...).

In addition to the krpano Viewer there are the krpano Tools - this are small tools and droplets which are helping to automatically prepare the panoramic images for viewing and making them ready-to-use. Making a pano or a tour is possible just by drag-and-drop.

Convince yourself by viewing the examples and / or by downloading the krpano Viewer and krpano Tools for free and try using them with your own panoramic images.


Flash and HTML5

The krpano Panorama Viewer is available as Flash and HTML5 viewer. Both viewers have and use the same interfaces for controlling the panos and the layout.

High-performance and high-quality rendering

The rendering-performance and the image-quality were and are one of the two most important features in the krpano development. Additionally there are also strong development demands to keep the viewer itself as small and efficient as possible.


Almost everything is customizable in the krpano viewer. There are settings for everything and adding custom settings or behaviors is possible too. krpano has a flexible and dynamic xml scripting system which allows realizing own ideas and features
To build user interfaces just include and arrange your images on the viewer screen.

And for even more and deeper customizing or extending the viewer itself it is possible to include external Flash or Javascript (HTML5) plugins. See here for the all available krpano Plugins.

Wide-range of supported panoramic formats and image file-formats

Supported panoramic formats by the krpano Flash Panorama Viewer:
Cube and Cubestrip Images
Spherical Panos (360x180)
Cylindrical Panos
Partial Spherical, Partial Cylindrical Panos
Flat Images
Cubical QTVR files (.mov)
Zoomify Images
Object Movies (=Multi-Frame-Flat-Images)
Panoramic Videos (Spherical, Cylindrical, Partials)
Supported input and output image file-formats for the krpano Tools:
JPEG (*.jpg, *.jpeg)
TIFF / BigTIFF (*.tif, *.tiff, *.btf, *.tf8, *.bigtiff)
Photoshop Document and Photoshop Big Document (*.psd, *.psb)
Kolor Raw (*.kro)


Loading very large images, e.g. at Gigapixel size, at once is not possible today - the loading would take ages and the memory need that would be need to display the image would be much to much for a web application. To solve this problem krpano supports a tiled Multi-Resolution loading - the large images will be resampled to several resolution levels and each level will be split up into many small tiles. And these small tiles will be loaded piece by piece and only when needed. This makes is possible to view also very large images quick and fast and with a few memory need.

Multi-Resolution images can be generated automatically by using the krpano Tools.

This panorama has a resolution of 24576x12288 pixel (about 302 megapixels). To display such a large panoramic image your computer would need about 1.2 gigabytes of available memory only for the panoramic image itself.
How was this calculated? 1 pixel needs 4 bytes - is thus 24576 * 12288 * 4 = 1,207,959,552 bytes! In addition, approximately 17 MB will be required to be downloaded. (this is the filesize of the panorama image compressed as JPEG image).

That would obviously be too much for an average computer to handle. The solution is to split the high resolution Panorama image into many small parts. These parts only load into the player as necessary (as the user zooms in).
(In this example, the image is split into smaller pieces of 1024x1024 pixels in size)

So, it is now possible to view the whole panorama without loading everything at once. However, there is still a problem - depending on the angle of view - when there are very many parts visible at once, again many split images need to be loaded, and again a lot of memory is needed for this.

This problem is solved by using multiple image resolutions of the panorama. Depending on the zoom level and angle of view, only the parts that best matching resolution are loaded. This means large amounts of data are never loaded simultaniously, and therefore less memory is needed.
If the view changes, parts that have already been loaded but are no longer needed, will remain available. Only when the memory limit (memory.maxmem) is reached, the not required image parts will be released from memory. If these parts are needed again later, they must be re-loaded.

3D Projections

The krpano Flash viewer supports several ways for projecting the pano image on the screen:
The normal or also called Rectilinear Projection.

Fisheye Projection.

Stereographic Fisheye Projection (when looking down also called 'Little Planet View').
Pannini Projection (Cylindrical Fisheye / Stereographic).

Architectural Projection.

Every of these projection modes can be adjusted by several parameters in fine steps. Mixing and / or fading between the different projection modes is also possible.

For example - a pano can start in with a 'Little Planet View' (a Stereographic Fisheye Projection) and then transit smoothly to the normal projection.

Virtual Tours / Hotspots / Scripting

By linking several panos together, e.g. by Hotspots, Maps, Thumbnails, Select Boxes or any other custom actions, it is possible to build full featured virtual tours.

The krpano Tools include MAKE VTOUR droplets for an easy and automatic generation of virtual tours. Just drop all pano images on it and done.

Simple and complex usage at the same time

Use the included MAKE PANO / MAKE VTOUR droplets from the krpano Tools for an easy and fully automatic generation of ready-to-use panos or virtual tours. And for more individual and complex customizing use krpano xml format and / or the Flash or Javascript interfaces.

Try it Now!

Download krpano for free and try it with your own panoramic images - for a quick and free try - please krpano Download and Tutorials

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